AcasăȘtiri generaleAndrei Baciu, noul boss de la CNAS: o echipă specială la dispoziția...

Andrei Baciu, noul boss de la CNAS: o echipă specială la dispoziția pacienților! 😊👩‍⚕️💬

The Commission for Ongoing Dialogue with Patients: A Step Towards Better Healthcare in Romania

Starting from Thursday, the Commission for Ongoing Dialogue with Patients, a permanent collaboration forum between the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) and patient associations in Romania, will be operational at the National Health Insurance House headquarters.

Andrei Baciu, the new president of CNAS

Andrei Baciu, the new president of CNAS

„Every decision made by CNAS and every action taken should be in the best interest of patients. To have a clear understanding of the needs and interests of patients in Romania, an honest, transparent, and constructive dialogue is necessary. From today onwards, this will be achieved permanently through the establishment of an official institutional partnership, inviting all legally constituted organizations and associations representing the interests of patients to participate…

A New Era of Collaboration

The newly formed Commission for Ongoing Dialogue with Patients marks a significant milestone in Romania’s healthcare system. Its purpose is to bring together CNAS and patient associations to ensure that the decisions and actions taken are driven by the best interests of patients. This collaboration aims to foster an environment of open and transparent communication, where patients’ voices are heard and their needs are met.

This initiative recognizes the importance of involving patient organizations in the decision-making process to bridge the gap between policymakers and those directly affected by healthcare policies. By engaging patients, the commission aims to gain valuable insights into the challenges they face, their aspirations, and their expectations from the healthcare system.

A Transparent and Constructive Dialogue

Transparency and constructive dialogue lie at the heart of the Commission for Ongoing Dialogue with Patients. By fostering these principles, the commission aims to promote an environment where diverse perspectives are respected, and decisions are made collaboratively.

This ongoing dialogue will allow patient associations to express their concerns, provide feedback on healthcare policies, and share their expertise and ideas to drive improvements in the healthcare system. In return, CNAS will communicate its decisions transparently, outlining the reasons behind them and how they align with the interests of patients.

Empowering Patient Organizations

The Commission for Ongoing Dialogue with Patients recognizes the significant role played by patient associations in advocating for the rights and well-being of patients. This collaboration aims to empower patient organizations by providing them with a platform to actively participate in shaping healthcare policies.

Through their involvement in the commission, patient associations can contribute to the development of patient-centered policies, share best practices, and raise awareness about healthcare issues affecting the population. By collaborating with CNAS, patient associations can ensure that their voices are heard and their recommendations are taken into account.

Aim for Patient-Centered Healthcare

The establishment of the Commission for Ongoing Dialogue with Patients reinforces the commitment to patient-centered healthcare in Romania. By creating a platform for continuous collaboration, CNAS and patient associations aim to drive positive change and improvements in the healthcare system.

This partnership recognizes that patient input is invaluable in shaping policies that meet the needs and expectations of the population. By prioritizing the interests of patients and involving them in the decision-making process, Romania can work towards a healthcare system that truly puts patients at the center.


The Commission for Ongoing Dialogue with Patients represents a significant step towards a more patient-centered healthcare system in Romania. By bringing together CNAS and patient associations, this collaboration aims to promote transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration in decision-making processes.

Through constructive dialogue and active involvement, patient associations have the opportunity to influence healthcare policies, raise awareness about patient needs, and drive improvements in the system. Ultimately, this commission serves as a platform to ensure that decisions and actions taken by CNAS are in the best interest of patients.

With ongoing collaboration between CNAS and patient associations, Romania can make progress towards a healthcare system that truly meets the needs and expectations of its population, improving healthcare outcomes for all.


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