Alexandra Ivanov, a 25-year-old pregnant woman, died at the Mavromati Botosani County Emergency Hospital on August 18, 2023, after doctors failed to provide her with urgent medical help. The tragedy occurred when Alexandra, a mother of three, was buried yesterday. The preliminary report prepared by the Botosani Public Health Directorate was obtained exclusively by The document reveals that doctors left the young pregnant woman in agony and pain for nearly seven hours, during which time she desperately pleaded for help. From 00:45 to 07:35, no medical procedures were performed. Furthermore, the medical records prepared by the doctors are controversial and contradictory. For example, Dr. Carmen Oprisanu, who allegedly requested laboratory tests, was not present at the hospital at the specified date and time. The on-duty doctors ignored the ambulance assistant’s notes. Alexandra Ivanov was 12-13 weeks pregnant. On the night of August 17, she started bleeding heavily. Scared and in excruciating pain, she called 112 at 22:51. She was immediately taken by a type B ambulance to the Mavromati Botosani County Emergency Hospital. The ambulance assistant noted in the medical record: „nausea and vomiting for approximately one day. The patient presents with urgent external genital bleeding, hypogastric and lumbar pain, paleness, symptoms that appeared approximately 30 minutes ago.” The General Clinical Observation Sheet mentions that the young woman was admitted at 23:30 for „external genital bleeding, hypogastric and lumbar pain.” However, the data from the ambulance assistant’s record were not included. These data were relevant in this situation. The diagnosis upon admission was „VG IIIP, 12-13 weeks pregnancy stopped in development, slight metrorrhagia and secondary anemia.” The clinical examination did not reveal any digestive disorders, except for a decrease in appetite, nor did it reveal any pain. „Clinical examination of the respiratory system detected physiological vesicular murmur in both lung areas. At admission, the patient had a blood pressure of 102/61 mmHg and a pulse of 100 beats per minute,” the doctors at the Botosani Hospital stated. The doctors at the Botosani County Hospital noted that, following the genital examination performed at the time of admission, the patient had a „soft abdomen, mobile with respiration, non-painful upon palpation. Ultrasound showed the presence of an intrauterine gestational sac, absence of fetal heart movement, normal amniotic fluid, and no areas of pregnancy detachment.” The question that arises in this situation is how did the patient’s pain disappear? The doctors at the Botosani Hospital got lost in the details on August 18, 2023, 00:03. The doctors requested laboratory tests for Alexandra Ivanov. The documents show that the doctor who sent the request to the laboratory was Dr. Carmen Oprisanu, but she was not present at the hospital at the given date and time. The analysis reports were validated between 00:41 and 00:58. Most of the indicators were below or above the normal values. What did the doctors do? They recommended the administration of saline solution, No-spa, Algocalmin, Indometacin, and Algifen as needed. The times mentioned in the official documents are contradictory to those stated in the care plan. For example, the care plan recorded that the patient was taken over at 00:10. Algocalmin and No-spa were administered at 00:20. Blood sampling for analysis was done at 00:23, 20 minutes after the time mentioned in the analysis report. Saline solution and Algifen were administered at 00:45. From that moment until 07:35, no further care procedures were performed, as mentioned in the official documents! Alexandra Ivanov, seven hours of agony and pain on the hospital bed. Throughout the nearly seven hours of agony, from 00:45 to 7:35, Alexandra Ivanov pleaded with the doctors to relieve her pain. She didn’t receive any help! For example, at 3:16, she sent a message to her attending doctor: „Good evening! I’m Alexandra Ivanov, 13 weeks pregnant. I came to the maternity ward with severe abdominal pain and bleeding. Unfortunately, the baby has stopped developing. Do you think something can be done tonight to perform a curettage? I can’t bear the pain anymore. It’s like giving birth. I beg you from my heart,” the young woman wrote to the doctor. She received no response. An hour later, at 4:18, she messaged the doctor on duty: „I’m Alexandra Ivanov. Do you think you can perform the curettage tonight? I can’t bear the pain anymore! I’m begging you, I feel like I’m going crazy.” However, she received no response. Alexandra’s husband sent her a message at 6:32 asking if any doctors had come to see her. Alexandra Ivanov’s response came immediately: „No. I can’t take it anymore. Oh, God, the pain I’m in.” The last message was sent
AcasăȘtiri generaleAlexandra Ivanov, vesteșea gravidă, regretabil își încheie viața la Spitalul Botoșani
Alexandra Ivanov, vesteșea gravidă, regretabil își încheie viața la Spitalul Botoșani
By dradion
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